Saipan Ice & Water donates $10,000 to Pacific Mini Games


Saipan Ice & Water donates $10,000 to Pacific Mini Games
According to the news of Marianas Variety of Micronesia, we are delighted to know that our partner Saipan Ice & Water donated $10,000 to Pacific Mini Games. Please see the following reports.

SAIPAN Ice & Water on Friday donated $10,000 to the 2022 Pacific Mini Games which the CNMI will host on June 17-25.
Games Organizing Committee CEO Ben Babauta and members received the donation at the Saipan Ice & Water office in Lower Base from CEO Mila Pellegrino, Vice President Xavier Borja, Sales Manager Lito Quizon, Production Manager Lisa Panuringan and HR Manager Maxi Lisua.
Babauta said Saipan Ice & Water has also donated over 120,000 bottles of drinking water, 6,000 bags of ice and ice boxes for each competition venue.
“Hydration is important in any physical activity,” Borja said. “We also want to be part of the games. It could be a ‘once in a century’ event so we didn’t want to miss the opportunity.”
Saipan Ice & Water was established in 1985 as the island’s first water company by the late businessman Anthony Pellegrino.
“We are really, really grateful to Saipan Ice & Water,” Babauta said.
Matson, for its part, donated a refrigerated container and a dry container for ice.


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